Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Movie: "The Woodsman" (2004)

So, I started seeing this about two years ago, but then I fell asleep before things started happening. How could I? This was a film that really kept one's eyes open throughout the movie. It's about Walter (Kevin Bacon), who has just served twelve years in prison. The crime? Molesting children! So, this is a story about what's going on in a pedophile's mind There are a few important side characters aswell. When Walter is released he aims to start a new life. He gets a job, where he soon is to become detested by his co-workers. The only one (except the manager) who doesn't seem to have a problem with Walter is Vicki (Kyra Sedgwick), whose relationship with Walter will come to be of great matter. On the other side of work we have the secretary Mary-Kay (Eve), who's running her own (discrete) hate campaign against Walter. We also have detective Lucas (Mos Def) who is coming to see Walter on a regular basis, mostly just to spit disgrace and vague threats over him. Then we have Walters sister's husband, Carlos, who appears to be the only one not judging Walter. The story doesn't have the usual beginning/end markers, but is just to be contemplated as a tiny piece of a sick man's life.

Really great film.



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