Saturday, August 16, 2008

Movie: "Mr. Brooks" (2007)

It's about Earl Brooks (Kevin Costner), respected corporate director in a successful company. The thing with Mr. Brooks is that he suffers from a severe multiple personality disorder, whereon his other part ("Marshall" / William Hurt) has a thing for blood. So, Mr. Brooks come to live a double life, killing at night time. Anyways, Mr. Brooks has been "clean" (succeeded in restraining himself from killing) for two years, then one night he suddenly has a relapse. The thing is, someone saw him this time. Someone who has evidence, photos don't lie. So, will Mr. Brooks be blackmailed? Nah, he's held by a young man who just wants to be Mr. Brooks apprentice. Sick, huh? So, the intrigue is crossed by Det. Tracy Atwood, of course with a story of her own (being in the middle of a divorce, including lawsuits, claims, etc). All those typical ingredients. I think this movie is fairly overrated (7.5 at IMDb), it just didn't cut it all the way. Anyways, I managed to stay awake.

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