Saturday, August 30, 2008

Movie: "Paycheck" (2003)

This was worse than I'd excepted. It's about Michael Jennings (Ben Affleck), a talented engineer in computer science. Michael's working for different top-of-the-line corporations in the trade. The thing is, he's really making tons of money on his hidden savings account, by acting as a mole for competing corporations. How does he do it? Well, it's through advanced neuro-technology. To make a long story short, he get's put into a sleep-walking (best term I could think of) state of mind, where he does his part of the deal. When he wakes up, he's been gone for.. say.. months.. working undercover. Yet it feels like he's only been asleep for a couple of hours.

Now, Michael has a huge job coming up. He's going to "stay under" for three whole years. Wow, think about it. Three whole years of his life will be smashed away - in exchange for a pile of money. This is what I consider the beauty-part of the script. The whole idea about putting a value on time in the life cycle of a human being. Pretty frightening, when you think more about it.

Anyways, the deeper you dig in the film, the more shootout scenes and explosions. Of course, there's a heroine involved. Uma Thurman is Rachel, a biologist who appreciate s love more than glory.

A real weak film compared to the more original ideas such as 'Total Recall', just to take an example. Also this film is based on Philip. K. Dick novel, but it feels like it could have been so much better.


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