Saturday, August 9, 2008

Movie: "Half Nelson" (2006)

Yesterday evening me and my fiancé watched this one. I must say I had some expectations after reading the plot summary on IMDb, and it turned out I had good reasons.

The movie is about Dan Dunne, who is a school teaching, trying to give thirteen-year-olds a good perspective on life. He's a good teacher, with a modern posture, all those ingredients to make a teacher who kids really listen to. So, is there a downside to all this? There always is. Dan Dunne has problems of his own, lost in two worlds, one where he makes his best to be a good teacher; and the other where he's lost in substance abuse, or should I say "The neverending party". Where will these parts meet? What will happen? Of course it can't be any good. You could say the story starts when Drey (one of his students) busts him with a crack pipe, hiding in the a toilet of the school's changing room. She doesn't tell on him. Instead, Dan and Drey come to develope a particularly odd sort of relationship. Both living with their own problems.

The great thing with this movie is that it's not just moralizing lecture of the usual kind, but more of a tale, focusing on telling people's stories, more than just the cause and effect part. I also think that Drey's character was awsome. So cool, yeah, that's the right word, just simply all the way cool. This is a really good drama film. The act isn't all that heated, but you never feel like falling asleep or anything like that. I especially liked the scene where Dan is all messed up, making an effort to plead his devotion for teaching, but somewhere along his speech he gets tongue-tiedness and just gazes up, looking really confuzed, a portrait describing more than a long plead. Great movie!


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