Monday, August 11, 2008

Dinner: Jellied veal

This is what it looks like.

Sort of appetizing, isn't it?

Well, to tell you the truth, this isn't one of my favorite dishes. I'm a real hungry man. I eat alot, I mean like, most dishes. There are three things that I don't eat very happily.

  1. Veal brawn
  2. Pölsa (Swedish dish, can't find a satisfying translation)
  3. Liver
Anyhow, it was on the table and I ate it. The content? Cold 'connective tissue' from pigs. My beloved fiancé said that she could understand me disliking it, but it was a different thing for those who have been fed with this from early childhood (including most Swedes). She explained that this was somewhat of a Swedish tradition, reminding us about those bygone times when we were poor farmers and had to eat what was on the table. I get it!

On the other hand, I love blood bread (without the blood, but just filled with pork and lots of butter and lingonberry jam), which is a tradition I snapped up on boot camp land, which she isn't much fan of. Hehe, funny, really..

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