Saturday, August 16, 2008

Movie: "Constantine" (2005)

Way below my expectations. I remember when this one had it's release a couple of years ago, a friend of mine was talking about it, even refering to the main character's moves at hot moments, etc. So, I've been anxious to watch it ever since. Now I did, wack! Okey, I knew the basic plot, but perhaps I should have done a bit more reading before giving it close to two hours of my time. I had some strange idea about that it would be more of a Heroes thing, with one man with supernatural powers, helping the ordinary law enforcement to catch ordinary bad guys. This was way out of sight, in a bad way. Too much hocus pocus in angles us human beings shouldn't be dealing with at all.

So, John Constantine is a excorsist. He's famous around town, even the cops know of him. He's blessed(?) with this gift of seeing energies, bad and good. In the story, the earth is penetrated by good and bad forces. "Angels and devils", which are really "halfbreed", because they get to stay on earth instead of being way down under or in heaven. Their purpose is to provide that one push to form a human being to become either good or bad.

Also, suicide is considered the greatest of all sins. One who has commited/tried commiting suicide will never be granted entrance to heaven, but cursed to hell. John Constantine is one of these poor fellows. When he was a young boy his surroundings wacko-stamped him 'cuz of his sights (none would of course believe him). So, finally he couldn't take it anymore, so he tries to escape this world. He fails, but was officially dead for two minutes (which feels like a lifetime in hell), so he got to meet with the sulphur and heat down there; now knowing where he's heading when it's finally time. Like this wasn't enough, he's a chain smoker. He will get his lung cancer diagnosis, in other words the full printed message that he will soon meet Lucifer.

Det. Angela Dodson is the female part of this story. She loses a next to kin in a tragic way, but feels that something isn't right. She comes to John for help. Before they know it, they're on an unheard-of witchcraft hunt..

Nah, this wasn't my thing.

Footnote: Now I know that Roadshow Village Productions isn't all good pictures.

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