Friday, August 22, 2008

Movie: "Mad Max 3 - Beyond Thunderdome" (1985)

Finally, I've seen all three Mad Max movies. This one doesn't differ so much from the other two, except the fact that Tina Turner's appearance as dictatorial head of state in a small shithole(!!!) called Barder.

This is also the place where a big part of the story takes place. All out of nowhere you almost meet Mel Gibson at the city gates right in the beginning of the movie, to then follow him into the mad world that waits within these gates.

Some of the photography from walking the sand desert (I'm talking during desert sundown) was pretty amazing. Well, beside this, I don't really know what to say. I was entertained all the way through. The Mad Max movies are really something. I still can't understand how I can have missed them as a kid.

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