Friday, August 29, 2008

Movie: "THX 1138" (1971)

Remarkable sci/fi flick written by Georce Lucas as long ago as in the early 70's. I must say I was fairly impressed by the filming environment. Felt futuristic. The Nascar-looking cars was also awsome. So, what's the deal here? It's in the future alright, and decisions has been made to keep all human being constantly under medication. Yep, people are being buzzed out to prevent them from thinking about "filthy" stuff such as sex. The system's having problem with one human being in particular? No big deal - just increase the dosage.

To keep control over this fragile house of cards, the government used mechanic law- and order officers, which works well, except for a few bugs here and there. It's really messy, everything is.

So, when human being THX 1138 (his serial number) starts having sexual thoughts of human nature (due to not yet mentioned circumstances), people in the control room panel has him put in solitary. What happened to his beloved LUH? Don't bother asking.

So, in solitary THX (Robert Duvall, for that matter) hooks up with a bounce of other outlaws. The atmosphere is filled with despair, but THX hasn't stopped believing, in spite of all neuro-treatment and suchlike. He's out for answers, and he's going to get them.

This was a really great movie. Just about 1h25m, and just enough to describe a dystopian future, messed up by a constant owerwhelm in the awareness of global economy. I guess this is what George Lucas was trying to portrait here. Beautiful. First time I can relate to the song (by Looptroop) with the same title.

Strong 7/10

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