Monday, July 14, 2008

A torn SD card and a broken plate..


Two days - two (bad) strikes; go figure!

First on Saturday, I was doing the kitchen dishes. All of a suddenly the two plates that I had placed in the kitchen sink corner fell down in the sink, making it impossible for me to escape the sound of kitchen china crashing into pieces. Gaaah!

I remember when I first got them. Had just moved into my apartment and hadn't much money to spend on kitchen accessories. So, I found these cheap plates, which I bought only two pieces of (since I didn't count on us having dinner guests any time soon). So, now we were down on one plate, a true deficit. Buying only one(!) new plate was not on the cards, since the supermart would probably not have those old plates in storage, and eating from two different plates would be annoying to my eyes. So, I just had to find a pair of new plates. So I did, this time I bought four of them, hehe. Actually, I think the new plates was better looking than the old ones. I mean, flowers, like we were living back in the 70's or something. Pure non-adorned porcelain is neat.

And so, the next day, yesterday (Sunday), late in the evening I thought I'd transfer my DCIM material on my camera's SD card to the computer, for later bloggage or so. Then I notice, the SD card doesn't become listed as a device the way it usually is. Wtf?!? I slide the storage card in and out from the slot several times, thinking it could be a weak link in the socket or something. Then, I tried the SD card from the Handheld, and voila, worked perfectly. Could it really be that..? [Sob] ..this storage card that came with my camera when I bought it almost three years ago. Has it sung it's last chorus? For reals? Could it really be? I went to sleep. The next day (this morning) I tried one last time, thinking that a good night's sleep could have had some magical effect - not! Gaaah! Like 50 images lost in sea also, gah! Plus now I must buy a new SD card, gah! My way of mourning was to throw the old (128MB) SD card into the microwave oven. After only a few seconds I heard this familiar sound, the sound you get when snap a cracker and fire up the gunpowder inside. ("Fjjjjjjjjz"). Inside the microwave oven there was this musty smell of burned-out circuits.

Fortunately, after running a price comparison online I find out that prices on those SD memory cards has fallen lots since 2005. I get a 1 GB card for like SEK 100 (<10€/£; >10$). So, it wasn't such a big crisis after all.

So, what's nice? Well, got a call from a good friend yesterday evening. He was just packing his luggage for a whole week's vacation time. Where to? London! Oh so sweet, can't say I don't envy him just a little bit ;)

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