Thursday, July 24, 2008


For lunch, I had this funny little dish which I learned to appreciate during my rough years doing military service up north. I can't think of what it resembles, except maybe big snowballs made of grey mud (ground potatoes, actually). This, filled with lightly salted meat, servered with butter and lingonberry preserve, tastes really great, can't say anything else.

Dead Poets Society (1989)

After dinner, I had some time of my own. My fiancé was feeling tired and fell asleep. So, I use the time to watch the other half of Dead Poets Society, a film we started watching a couple of days ago, but interrupted since it felt like a way too slowly moving cloud on a real speedy day. So, now I've finished it. It was quite good actually, didn't find any flaws. The movie as a whole was nice, it actually made lots of those (newer) films about finding your own path and still succeeding like worn-out clichés. Funny, in the beginning I thought the film was taking place in the contemporary period of the making (the shift between the 80's and 90's). It was actually not until "the spanking scene" I started to realize that this must reflect on real bygone times (probably the 50's-60's something).

"O Captain! My Captain!"

So, after she had woken up we had dinner (salmon), followed by coffee and a long walk. I believe we were out for like two hours or something. Well, the clock was close to 11 PM when we got home.

Hero Wanted (2008)

So, after the long evening walk, we watched this film. I couldn't stop thinking about that worthless tv-series 'Daybreak'. Unsure of whether the main character was black (leading my thoughts to Taye Diggs) or the jumps n' bumps on the timeline. However, this worked. The final settlement was a bit muddled, I lost track of who went down, and who were still alive. Anyways, eventually it came down to match point, just as always. So, after watching it, I felt like in any case this had not been a total waste of time. After all, Ray Liotta is nice, even though you didn't see so much of him. Anyways, decided to check out some reviews on the net. It appeared that the film had flopped totally, and the foggy deathmatch towards the end had evidently confuzed more people than me. "Really bad light setting", "worst I've seen", "not even Ray Liotta could contribute on this poor script", were some of the users comments.

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