Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lost in the woods.

Funny, yesterday evening we decided to go for a walk. So, we decided to go for a new path, to see something new etc. So, we went over the busy road that seperates Sofiehem/Ålidhem from Carlshem/Carlslid/Tomtebo. So we went, in sort of a circle around the block. Then we decided to crop our way short, heading back through somewhat of a shortcut. After all, it had rained and was still sort of wet, even though this made the air so delightful to breathe in. We went across the small woods that were lying around this part of town, aiming to get out close to one of those tunnels going under Kolbäcksleden.

This was only thought to take a couple of minutes. Anyhow, soon we found ourselves burried into woods. I was the insistent part ("C'mon, we'll see the streetlights any time now.."), while she started to get noticeable bothered by the fact that we were ..unsure of exactly where we were! :-)

Should have brought my camera, 'cuz on those strange paths through the wood, we saw lots of odd things, like concrete wells - there, in the middle of nowhere(?). So, we found a large hill with a path slowly twisting it's way up there. So we went, hoping to see streetlights on the other side. It was starting to get dark. On the top, nothing, nothing but a rather enchanting outlook over the woods. Had we come to reach a dead end? Nah, there was an opening in the woods. Well, more like a dark gap. "I'm not going in there!", she strictly declared.

"Damn, I'm so sure that civilisation were just behind the corner", I thought to myself. Anyways, half an hour later or so, we reached civilisation. So, today, I thought that I just need to find a map to take a look on that area. And, as everything is on the net nowadays, I found my map. Darn, I must have had the wrong picture of "those small woods surrounding the area". I'm really glad we turned around. My internal GPS must have had a punch and lost point of the compass. Apparently, we was heading far east, reaching out for a road that wasn't as adjacent as we thought.

I took a screenshot of the map (click to enlarge).

Do I need to say that we were happy when we spotted streetlights?

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