Thursday, July 31, 2008

Long day..

Today's been a long day. My niece's fotball team won (2-0) against some Finish team in their first cup game. Weee! We followed her into the empty school building where she and her team's supposed to stay the weekend.

Then I took a long walk to get my bike, that I'd planted at the football ground where they'd played. When I finally got home I was really tired. My cellular had finished recharging, I took a shower and had a quick meal. Gosh, I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Sweet fish sticks with mashed potatoes and some lettuce leftovers.

So, now I'm at my fiancé's apartment, chilling. We've taken care of the washing machine, now just waiting. It's been a really hot day. Although there was suddenly some thunders in the sky earlier today. "A local storm", nothing more. Lasted around fifteen minutes of my niece's game. However. Now I'm chillin', listening to Thin Lizzy's "The Boys Are Back In Town" (1976).


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