Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Movie: "The Lookout" (2007)

Not that bad, really not that bad. Here's the sweet kid Joseph Gordon-Levitt ('Mysterious Skin') as Chris Pratt, a brat kid taken away from all the glory of his life after a serious car accident. When you first get the "Four years later" insight, you don't really see that anything has happened. He doesn't need a wheelchair to get up, and he speaks. It's a while later you begin to understand that something actually did happen to him. His functions is severely impaired, which has affected nevertheleast his social network. From being a top player in the local ice hockey team, with bimbos all around him, he's now stuck(?!) in a co-habitee with a blind man (Jeff Daniels). He doesn't do much else. His memory is messed up so he has this notebook he writes down everything of importance. He has managed to get a job as a cleaner at the local bank in the hole where they live. Now, the badness starts vailing in. Some creepy guys sees an opportunity in Chris condition. If they just manage to get connected..



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