Thursday, May 29, 2008

My forearm really hurts!

This illustration is ripped from the web, but I think it really shows the pain. That red area, crazy. I've had this little injury every now and then since a couple of years back when I played an MMORPG game, but my current work is really making it hurt.

In Swedish the combined name for this sorts of injuries is 'musarm', which could be cynically translated into something like 'The hand that has been using the mouse too much', even though fifthen year olds finds it amusing to use it in a vulgar context.

Gash, I really need to find some help for this über-inflamed nest of of sinews. Gaah, the worst thing is that the health centre really just gives you a subscription of NSAID pills, which causes gastric ulcer and other painful conditions for side effects. It seems that there are no simple sollution. Once you have your "click sinew" wack, it will stay weak, with symptoms coming and going, depending [mostly] on how much time you spend behind the monitor.

Well, I think I'll get myself a specialist or some kind, very soon..

Anyways, here's an [open source] software application to remind you about regular breaks with animations of smooth exercises to avoid these sorts of strain injuries.

GNU Software: Workrave
Wiki: Repetitive Strain Injury

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