Sunday, May 25, 2008

Smooth Sunday

First of all we watched a movie that I've had in my DVD collection for almost two years without finding time to watch. "The Man Who Wasn't There" with Billy Bob Thornton. I had an idea about it being a great film, so this felt good.

It was a great story. Not really sure if that's what they call triangle drama (so I'll let » Wiki « decide that for me). Anyways, the film was awsome. Perhaps you could say it was a bit "slow" somewhere just before the middle, but then the twist with the mistress (using fuzzy expressions not to spoil) had a sudden twist, so the interest of the story was maintained.

The dinner then? Gosh I think I'll never go for a Mc'Donalds burger again. Yeah, you heard me. We made our own hamburgers, and they were NICE. I ate five of them, and it was really a moment when the saying "appetite comes with eating" came in it's full context. I ate five(!) hamburgers, the fifth and last was a double(!)burger with loads of cheese. Knock that one of the cabin if you dare, whoa! :-)

Pictures, in your honour..

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