Sunday, May 4, 2008

Lazy Sunday..

It's been good though, really good. Got up around eight, the routine trip down to the superstore (which is only approx. five bike-driven minutes away) to buy breakfast bread and yoghurt.

In the afternoon we watched three episodes of Oz (we're now into the sixth season), followed by some television documentary about mentally challenged people and whether they should be entitled rights of having children. And if so, how much support from society is needed? It was quiet interesting, actually. A woman, now in her 30's, had been the result of two(!) mentally challenged persons relationship back in the 70's. One thing I just couldn't drop was the fact that our nation force-castrated those mentally challenged folks back in the days. This was not constitutionality forbidden until as late as 1976. Also, these MC's had found great difficulties in adjusting to society when they was released from the institutions (where our nation kept those until around the same year). No one would 'take the heat' on these poor fellows. Why? Well, according to the social journalist being interviewed, they were considered as unproductive, thus of no good. A truly disgraceful view on human being. It woke a few question marks in my head thought.

Anyways, later on we decided to watch the 9 O'clock film. It was 'Two For The Money'. I remember I'd seen it on the top-50 shelf on the video store where I used to work, but although I've seen both D. J. Curuso's other films, I've missed out on this one. So, we watched it. It was OK, not much of a thriller (as the tele text refered to it as*) though. Anyways, worked for entertainment.

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