Thursday, February 14, 2008

Total Commander v7.02 FINAL

Wow, I've been a huge fan of Total Commander since the early days (Windows Commander). Ever since I found out that a Chinese mastermind called Shanny had an expansion/modification pack called "TCEE" (Total Commander Embellished Edition) I have never used anything else than that. The downside on this was being stuck with an outdated version since Shanny seems a bit shy, he hasn't – using his own words – "spread the software overseas". He didn't believe there would be an interest. Guess if he was wrong.

However, I finally found Shannys homepage. Managed to crosslink through the Chinese language and found an e-mail link. So, I sent an e-mail to Shanny himself, asking him about his project. The next day I had an answer. So, now I'm really proud, I've changed a couple of lines with the Chinese mastermind himself - Shanny. However, since he drops his mod pack free of charge, I recommend to all those who is looking for the ultimate file browser, to check out TCEE.

» Shanny's Space «

The whole site is in Chinese but you can easily navigate to the direct download link. Well, that's all for now :)

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