Friday, February 29, 2008

A cold morning and first time Sushi experience..

I'm still not 100% recovered from my cold, the cough remains etc. When I first felt the breeze outside this morning, I was like "awawergh", still, wondered along to the bus stop. Later on, I heard that it was lots of minus degrees. I had noticed how my legs was frozen, but I had only thought like "Darn, should have worn long undewear". But when I entered the web climate page I read -11.8° C, gah, that's rough. Although the temperature has been dropping over the day.

Funny thing, on lunch I tried Sushi for the first time in my life (from what I can remember). The taste was, well, raw, but nice. The first ½ second I was close to get a hinch of not liking it, but 1/4 second later I felt the Yummyness :)

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