Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tic tac whooh!

First of all, I have to say I'm pleased to see that Barack Obama was elected to be the 44th American president. Some people believe that it's just a vision, but I honestly do believe that this is man we all have been waiting for. It's my honest belief that this is what you could call the savior of USA. Change isn't made over night, but eventually the nation will move against a more humane society. We'll just have to wait and see.

I'm also relieved that the other candidate was pushed out, because to be he was nothing but an old man out for war, and a steady flow of gasoline. To me, it's real logical that this is not the way of making a great difference in the 21th century. A war strategic with good chances on winning a game of Risk? Definitely. The answer on today's big issues? I very much doubt it.

So, first thing I had to do when I woke up this morning was to check the status. When it stood clear that Barack Obama was the champion, I was truly relieved. I had a silent breakfast and enjoyed every piece of it.

Yesterday? We bought icecream with cloudberry preserve, and snacks and fruit. Then we kept track on a group of adventurers who were climbing Mount Everest. It seemed rough on the lungs, but with an amazing view. I wonder if I will ever climb mountains. Maybe, who knows.

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